GardenBailey Rae

Time to Order Seeds!

GardenBailey Rae
Time to Order Seeds!

Spring is FINALLY here, and today it feels like it in Nashville. What a beautiful day! We are very eager to get our garden planted and start growing ALL THE VEGETABLES to let this sunshine continue.

We have all of our seedlings started indoors already, but it's not too late for you to order direct-sow seeds to get into the ground over the next month!


My favorite place to get vegetable seeds is Johnny's. Their mission is to help families, friends, and communities to feed one another by providing superior seeds, tools, information, and service.

I love Johnny's for their quality of seeds, great selection of organic varieties, and excellent customer service. If you need help figuring out what seeds are best for your area, they are happy to help you through the process.


Johnny's also has a great selection of flower seeds, this year I am putting in two "pollinator flower patches" One for the bees, and one for the butterflies. Another favorite company I order flower seeds from is Eden Brothers. This year I ordered some wildflower mixes, zinnias, lavender, and dahlia tubers for my cut flower garden.


I love being able to walk out to the garden to pick fresh produce for dinner or cut a bouquet for the table. This year I am trying to be very intentional about what we are planting and paying attention to what does well, what we have too much of, or what we want more of, so each year the garden can be better and better. I'll share more on that as the season progresses.

Wither it be flowers or vegetables; I find so much joy in growing plants, it's great for our environment and pollinators, as well as for our health!

This post isn't sponsored in any way. I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite companies in hopes to inspire you to order a few seeds to plant!

Happy Spring!

xo, Bailey Rae