Tangy Dill Salmon

Tangy Dill Salmon

One of my most popular, show-stopping recipes at my dinner parties is my Tangy Dill Salmon. The secret is all in the spice blend. I simply apply a liberal dusting of the Tangy Herb & Dill Seasoning (from Allspice) to the filet and bake for 8 minutes. People go crazy over it!

Below the salmon is pictured served over Cauliflower Risotto and Crispy Air-Fried Potatoes.


Tangy Dill Salmon


4 - 6 oz salmon filets

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 tbsp Tangy Herb and Dill Seasoning (bought here)


fresh dill (optional), for garnish


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

  2. Place salmon on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

  3. Brush salon with olive oil, sprinkle with the seasoning blend liberally, and season each filet with a pinch of salt.

  4. Bake for 8 minutes or until the salmon reaches 145 degrees. Remove from oven, garnish with optional fresh dill and serve.